People, including beginner bee keepers, wonder why bees are dying out.   They are dying because we are spreading chemicals everywhere they fly and carrying it back to their hives.   These poisons are as toxic to them as they build up as they can be to us.

At Bee Outstanding we have made it part of out mission to return to natural beekeeping.  We need to proactively work to be green and natural beekeepers and work with other beekeepers to return to natural beekeeping and removal using green resources if possible only using exterminators in the most extreme cases of wasp and hornet removal.

  • Green Bee Keeping

    Urban BeeKeeping Article from “National Geographic”

    Last year 300,000 square feet of green roofs popped up in our city, more than any other in America. Often perched within those urban building-top oases are microfarms with thousands of workers creating one of the world’s most sought-after—and some say most endangered—agricultural product: honey.

    Click here to see Entire Article

  • Green Bee, Wasp and Hornet Removal

    Green Re Homing Honey Bees

    At Bee Outstanding we will work 100% to remove the good honey bee population and re-home them safely and with as little disruption as possible.   We can not guarantee damage or a need to dig into siding if the infestation is on or in the house space, however most bee hives that are not attached to or in the main structure can be removed with little or no damage to the property or the bees.

    Green Recycling Wasps and Hornets

    If you have an infestation of a stinging insect such as wasps or Hornets instead of reaching for the toxic spray, make a quick phone call to Bee Outstanding for information and advice. We as bee keepers can ourselves usually remove the insects and/or  recommend somebody who will safely remove the them without resorting to toxic sprays.

    Our tools of choice are smoke, alcohol or a Shop Vac cleaner.

    Most of us don’t want to use poisons and you will be glad to know that there are some non-toxic ways to get rid of stinging pests that do not provide the benefit of pollination.  We don’t guarantee all the insects will survive but we do use as Green a method as possible.  WE ARE NOT EXTERMINATORS!!!

    We do stress that we can handle most situations but not all of them.   It is not easy to remove stinging insects from house walls.    We evaluate the situation on a case by case basis and if we can’t remove them safely with minimal damage we will refer you to someone who can.